Once you have an idea, starting a business can be very exciting, but also daunting. It is important to map everything out before you start to avoid potential pitfalls down the road. Here is a guide to set up your new business for financial success. Know Your Market It is crucial to conduct research on […]
Projects That Add to the Value of Your Home
You only have to look at the number of home remodeling shows on television to understand just how many people enjoy watching others upgrade their living spaces. These popular home remodeling shows have inspired many people to try their own hands at various remodeling projects. If you are interested in having work done on your […]
Valuing Your Estate’s Assets
In estate planning, you often come across the term “fair market value.” However, some assets are easier to value than others. The IRS defines fair market value as “the value at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell […]
Bookkeeping & Accounting Tips for Small Business Owners
Running a small business is a demanding task, requiring you to wear many hats, from managing operations to marketing and customer service. Among these responsibilities, bookkeeping and accounting are crucial for the financial health and sustainability of your business. While it may seem daunting, effective financial management doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Here are […]
An HSA Can Also Be Used to Save for Retirement
Health savings accounts (HSAs) were created as a savings vehicle to help people pay out-of-pocket medical expenses. If qualified, you can establish an HSA in much the same way you establish a traditional savings account or an individual retirement account. You can open one with a lump-sum payment or through regular contributions, usually through paycheck […]
Rating Bonds
Before you add bonds to your portfolio, you should understand how they work and what variations exist among them. Just as importantly, you need to identify the risks that come with owning bonds and how you can protect yourself from them. Bond Basics Bonds are essentially IOUs, issued by federal, state, and municipal governments as […]