It’s a quite common dilemma to figure out if you need to hire externally or promote from within to see improvement with your business. There are benefits to both. We will now go over the pros and cons to each side. Hiring Externally Pros Cons Promoting from Within Pros Cons Overall, consider your employees and […]
Record Retention — The “Paper” Trail
As plan sponsors are well aware, the pension law (ERISA) includes specific reporting and disclosure obligations with respect to qualified retirement plans. A lesser known fact is that ERISA also has specific requirements regarding the retention of plan records. Below we answer questions you and other plan sponsors may have about retaining records and the […]
Reviving a Declining Business
Business owners should recognize the warning signs that their businesses are in trouble and understand the steps they must take to stabilize and revive their companies. Businesses that end up on the critical list usually show signs that they are ailing long before they need intensive care. By recognizing these signs and making a concerted […]
Tax Tips for Businesses
As a business owner, you should familiarize yourself with your federal, state, and local tax requirements. Understanding what your obligations are will assist you in filing returns and paying taxes accurately and on time. Whatever taxes you are required to pay, you have to be very aware that there are deadlines for remitting them and […]
Charting a Long-Term Course
Stock market volatility can be a wild ride. If you follow the daily price movements of a stock market index, it’s enough to make you dizzy at times. If you watch the same index’s performance over longer periods, however, you may notice that things tend to smooth out. Unless you’re close to retiring and will […]
Tips on Tax Planning
You may not think about taxes often, but they can prove to be a large expense. That’s why it’s important to make the most of any opportunities you may have to lower your tax liability. Here’s a look at some of the factors you may want to consider in your planning. Standard Deduction or Itemizing […]